Thursday, August 30, 2007

So, We Bought A King-Sized Bed, Why?????

Ok. Lizzie has been in a big girl bed now for about 2 weeks. She loves it. Twin-sized bed, Cinderella sheets and pillow. She has never come out of her room at night that is until now. The last couple of nights she started coming out of her room for one thing or another. Finally I told her, big girls stay in their room and in their beds at night and go to sleep. Don't get out of your bed or come out of your room. Well, she doesn't exactly come out of her room, she opens the door, lines up all of her peeps (we call Kitty Kat, Baby Cathy, and Thomas the Doggie her peeps) just inside the door, so she is technically in her room. She then begins to call Mommy, Mommy, ever so softly at first and then it gets gradually louder. Anyway, each time, we take her back to her room and put her back to bed. Last night, this went on for 2 hours finally at 9:30 she went to sleep. We thought, good. Until 2:30 a.m. this morning. She actually came into our room on Guy's side of the bed, all of her peeps in her arms, and she started crying. We broke our first and foremost cardinal rule, never in our bed. We were exhausted and put her into bed with us.

Now, I am smart. I learned from taking naps with her to "mark my territory" because she will take over the entire bed if you let her. I spread out on my side of the bed. Unfortunately, poor Guy has not yet learned this. He was literally hanging off the side of the bed. When I got up this morning it was pitch dark, I just had to take a picture. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Too funny! Isn't it amazing how these tiny little girls can take up an entire kind sized bed?