Thursday, April 09, 2009

Easter / School Pictures

Lizzie had her school pictures taken two weeks ago. This year The Picture People started taking school photos. These were some of the best pictures she ever had taken at school. What do you think?

So, What's Been Happening With Us????

So it is time for an update, as usual, not much has happened in the last month. We had another minor snowstorm, nothing big, but my office closed and Lizzie's school was closed so we had a nice day at home. Just a few pictures:

We made a visit upstate to visit Guy's aunt and uncle. It was a really nice visit and Lizzie had a great time. After our visit, we all went to a great Italian restaurant.

In the meantime, we have been looking for a kindergarten for Lizzie to attend in September. Our township doesn't have full time kindergarten so public school was not an option. We looked at several private schools, but the tuition was outrageous. So we settled on on a Roman Catholic school. Lizzie will attend there through 8th grade. We are relieved we got her in and know that it is a really good school.

We also went to at least 3 birthday parties. Two were at bouncy places (Pump It Up) and Bounce U. The last one was at a place called My Gym. This was the place that Lizzie had the most fun. We have a little video of her using the zip line..... she had a blast!!

She was so tired when we left, she was fast asleep within five minutes when we left! When we got home, Guy carried her in and put her on the sofa.... she didn't even wake up!