Monday, August 27, 2007

Major Events At Our House!

We have had a major breakthrough out our house this weekend!! Our little monkey has decided she is finally a big girl and is going to the potty by herself! It was a rough start. She had her big girl panties on (Cinderella and Dora) and had to go. She started crying that she wanted a Pull Up (if I had to do it all again, I would not use Pull Ups). We told her that big girls don't need Pull Ups and that she should go in the potty! She cried more. (I felt like we were psychologically damaging her). Anyway, we had a few accidents, when all of a sudden, she had to go again, she went into the powder room, pulled her panties down and went on the potty (we gave her a choice of toilet or potty chair; she chose potty chair). There was great rejoicing in our house!! Mommy and Daddy cheering and clapping our hands. The princess was quite amused! Now the fun started. She went (I kid you not) at least 20 times in the next hour -- I think she wanted us to continue to make a big deal, which we did!

Today, she went to school in her big girl panties. When I called a little while ago, they said she was doing great! Now to the next big event.. poopy in the potty!

My sister Lisa bought Lizzie's Baby Cathy some new clothes. I personally think the doll looks like she belongs in Folsom Prison... you decide! (FYI. the picture is fuzzy because I took it with my cell phone!)

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Now that deserves a WOOT WOOT from the girls at the House o' Glamour!

Uh...yea...on the baby doll comment! ;-) And, this was purchased by the same woman who purchased all those girly girl frilly dresses?

Love y'all!