Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My New Journey

Well, searching my soul long and hard, I have finally decided to have lapband surgery. I was oriignally going to have gastric bypass, but after futher research, I felt that it was not the best for me. The lapband will be a slower weight loss, but in the end the result is the same as the gastric bypass. My sister Lisa is going on the same journey with me, so we are in it together. We choose the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Noel Williams as our surgeon. I will post and give you the progress as we get further along into the process. More than likely, I will start a new blog and will post that link after I get set up!

Wish me luck.



Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK!!! this is exciting! you will do fine :)

Danielle G.

Kelley said...

You go, girl!
Love you,

Erin said...

As a fellow Bandster (I had mine done in January of 2006), I want to say "Welcome Aboard!!!!!" Never a day goes by that I regret my decision to have it done. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns about this. I am willing and able to help you and your sister in any way that you need! From your surgery to the diet afterwards to your first fill, I have been there and done that. You both are in my prayers!

Erin (Kelley's friend)

Sue said...

Wow. I hope all goes well and I think it is awesome that your sister will be right there with you. Best of luck!!!!!

Sue B