Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's Been A While.....

Well, it has been a while since I last posted. We have had Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year!! I have a lot to write about.

Thanksgiving: We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving at my sister Lisa's home with her husband Rob. Dinner was, of course, wonderful. My parents were also there and we had a nice quite dinner.

Christmas: After Thanksgiving we started the mad dash to Christmas. My sister Lisa, my mother, Lizzie and me went on our annual shopping day on Saturday, December 8. We had a great time shopping and having lunch!! Lizzie is really fun now and has a definite opinion about everything. We had Lizzie's offical Christmas portrait taken at Sears this year. They did an absolutely outstanding job! Here are some of the pictures in a slide show.

Christmas Eve:

We were fortunate to have my mother-in-law stay with us on Christmas Eve. Guy picked her up from Philadelphia in the early afternoon and then we all started getting ready for church. Lizzie's Aunt Fran and Uncle Lance gave her a beautiful Rothschild coat for Christmas. Of course, it was warm on Christmas Eve, but Lizzie wore the coat anyway!

We went to Mass at my sister Lisa's church. Lisa sang at Mass this year and we wanted to be part of it. Lisa took Lizzie over to the manger and they sang Happy Birthday to Jeasus! After Mass, we went out to dinner at a local diner then came home and started getting Lizzie to bed. We got all ready for bed then went downstairs to put out the cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for Rudolph. Finally, Lizzie went to bed and Guy and I started putting toys together. We were at it until 1:30 a.m.!! Santa brought Lizzie the Rose Petal Cottage, a really cute little house (that has lots of pieces to put together!) Then, I was wrapping and wrapping and wrapping! We were so tired. Lesson learned... it will not happen again! Here are some Christmas Eve pictures!

Christmas Day:

Christmas Day was what I always dreamed it would be like with a little girl. Lizzie was so into Christmas this year. I think she really understood Santa and toys! She also understood out Jesus too!

She came into our bed at some point during the night, so Christmas morning I woke up about 7:30 and said to her "do you think Santa Claus came?" She looked at me and said, "I don't know" so I told her to go look down the stairs... the baby gate was locked so she couldn't go down! Guy got the video camera and went down first, followed by Mom-Mom, then me, the Lizzie...she practically ran down the stairs and was saying Oh My Word!!! She noticed right away that Santa had drank the milk and ate the cookies, then the tearing of the paper began!

Later in the day, our families came over for Christmas dinner, we had a houseful, but it was really nice! Here are some pictures from Christmas:

I will have more to write about tomorrow! Promise!!!



Sue said...

Hi Cathy,

I'm so glad I clicked on your site! Wow - Lizzie is adorable! I love the new 'do in her Christmas photos. It is really flattering!! And you're right....sears did a super job with the pics!

Glad to hear all is well and you had a wonderful time with your families for the holidays. Hope 2008 is a great year for you and your family!

Sue B
GWCA group

Lisa said...

She looks adorable in that coat and hat (which is just a smidge too big for her). Give her major smoochies from Aunt Lisa (her favorite Aunt ... LOL).
