Thursday, August 10, 2006

Potty Training -- Step One

Well, yesterday Miss Lizzie surprised us all! We had just finished dinner and were cleaning up when she came over to us and said "poop". I said to her, did you poop? She said "da" which means yes. (Sometimes I think she is a baby Klingon (Star Trek reference here)!!) I said, let's change that diaper. Well, for a while now, she gets the changing pad, put it on the ottoman and then climbs up on top ready for her diaper change. (She also sometimes gets a book!!!) Anyway, it was almost bedtime so I didn't put a diaper on her and we walked up the stairs. I started to get her PJs out and asked her, just for the heck of it, do you want to go potty. She said "da"!!! So we walked into her bathroom and I put her up on the throne. I held her arm and she went!! I was shocked! I thought, this is a fluke and won't happen again. Boy was I wrong! This morning after I got her up, I said to her, do you want to go potty? She said "da"! (Side Note: her diaper has been dry in the mornings for a while!) Anyway, in we went to the bathroom and up on the throne. She sat there and went pee-pee. When she was finished, reached over for some paper and cleaned up, put it in the toilet, shut the lid and then flushed it!!! Guy and I stood there with our mouths hanging open.

So, today, I spoke with her teacher and they are going to work with her to start the "formal" training! We are off to buy some Pull Ups tonight! Wish us luck!!

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