Thursday, May 11, 2006

We Can't Believe It Has Been Six Months...

Six months ago, on Tuesday, November 8, 2005, we became a family of three! Elizabeth was placed in our arms and our lives changed forever. Elizabeth didn't cry when they gave her to us, she just looked at us with an expression that said, "They look ok to me, I think I will keep them". From the first minute we saw her, we knew she belonged to us! It is amazing how fast six months went, we feel like it was a blink of an eye. She is so much a part of our lives now. She has grown so much since we were handed that tiny baby! She is 25 pounds now and about 32 inches tall. She loves her daycare and her baby babble is slowly turning into actual conversations! She loves popcicles and ice cream, but also edamame (soybeans). She loves books, Elmo and kitty cats, but doesn't like her hair washed! We don't know what it is like to sleep late anymore, but now we have the fun of spending early Saturday and Sunday mornings, cuddling with Elizabeth in bed after she wakes up!

I will post some pictures tonight!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Remember when 6 months of waiting for our referrals seemed like FOREVER?! Now time flies by much too quickly. Lots of love to y'all from your friends down south!
Kelley, Chuck, Emily and Mia