Tuesday, November 29, 2005

One Month Ago Yesterday....

.... our treasure was given to us in China. On November 8, 2005, Elizabeth was placed in our arms and our lives changed forever. She is a totally different baby from when we got her. Her face has filled out, she plays peek-a-boo, she has an infectious laugh and a very loud cry. For the most part, she is pleasant and happy..but remember..she is a baby and can throw a tantrum as good as any baby I have seen!!

We had our first Thanksgiving with Elizabeth at my sister Lisa's house. It was a great holiday because our whole family was there. Elizabeth loves turkey and mash potatoes and I think she really enjoys being around people!

Today, we took a ride to Target and bought a few things, yes, more clothes for Elizabeth. We came home and had lunch and then Elizabeth had her bottle and is now up taking her nap! She should be up there until 4:00 or so. She plays hard, eats hard and sleeps hard!

Thanks to the pediatrician, her eczema is just about gone and she has stopped scratching!

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pictures are great, she is adorable!!!! she does look happier and healthier there with you in the pictures!!! she is too cute.