Sunday, June 07, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day in New Jersey!!

It is so beautiful outside today. We put our blow up pool outside and filled it up (it needs to warm up a bit for Lizzie to go in) and will be going out in about an hour!

So, what's been happening with us? Lizzie is getting ready for her Pre-K graduation next week. Her school is having a graduation ceremony, yes, they are even wearing graduation caps! She has been practicing the "Star Spangled Banner" and "The Pledge of Alliegence" and knows them by heart! We cannot believe that our baby is going into Kindergarten! She has grown so fast. In the last few months, she talks non-stop, asks a million questions about everything, is really into making patterns with words and items and loves to play the rhyming game with words. We had our last parent-teacher meeting at school last week and her teacher said she is more than ready for Kindergarten. We also had her skill testing at her new (what she calls "her five-year old school"). Thank God, we were told she will have no problems getting up and running in kindergarten!

Let's see, Lizzie was invited to a birthday party last week. It was a "girl's only" party. Of course, it was a princess party and Cinderella was there to read and play games with them. Cinderella also did face painting with them. Here are some pictures:

As you can see, Lizzie wore her Belle costume. We also had the Belle shoes on, but they came off pretty quick! They have a little wedge and she could run around like a crazy girl in them, so she quickly changed into her sandals and then barefeet! All of the mother's had the hindsight to bring a change of clotes for the girls and right after Cinderella left, they changed into their play clothes!
Lizzie's school had a Mother's Day "inside picnic" and this year I had the opportunity to attend! We brought our lunches and got to eat with the kids! Here are some pictures!

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