Sunday, November 28, 2010


We started decorating this weekend and so foar it looks great! Lizzie is so into decorating and Christmas this year. She has been singing deck the halls all weekend!

Christmas Portraits 2010

We went to Sears again this year for Lizzie's Christmas portraits, and once again, they are beautiful!! Here are just 4 of the 44 pictures they took!

Monday, November 08, 2010

Can It Really Be Five Years???

Five years ago today, our beautiful and amazing Elizabeth was placed in our arms. Where did five years go. Lizzie has changed our lives so much and brought us so much joy! We thank God everyday for bringing this truly wonderful child into our lives. If you want to read about our "Gotcha Day", click on the link below. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Lizzie, Mommy and Daddy love you.

Halloween 2010

This year Lizzie decided she wanted to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.... and I may add, she made a wonderful Dorothy!