I know, it has been almost two months since my last post. There has been a lot going on in our family in the last two months. Most of it not real good, but I won't go into all of that right now.
Lizzie is now 2 1/2 years old. She is quite the little girl now. She is having full conversations with us now. She can sing the alphabet, count to at least 17 and knows all of her colors! She loves her babies (Baby Michelle (for Michelle Kwan) and Baby Cathy (for Mommy)! She dresses them, undresses them, dresses them (usually puts all of their clothes on at once)!
She absolutely, positively love Loves LOVES stickers! She was putting them everywhere, but we have finally trained her to only put them in her sticker book! She also loves to color. Her favorite TV shows are Thomas the Tank Engine and Dora the Explorer.
We are getting ready to celebrate Chinese New Year. We took her to The Picture People to have her formal portrait done in her Chinese dress. She was absolutely not going to smile until the photographer promised her stickers. Here are the pictures, we hope you enjoy them. I promise to post more often!