Our first Christmas with Elizabeth was wonderful. Santa brought her some very nice toys -- all musical. She loves music, everytime she hears music, she starts to dance! It is so cute. Elizabeth really loved the wrapping paper and boxes - even more than the toys. Both of our families came to our house for Christmas so our house was quite full! We had a wonderful time!Well the holidays are over and now it is almost time for me to go back to work. I start back on January 9th. I am going to miss being with Elizabeth all day. We have a nice little routine: she gets up around 7:30/8:00 and I get her dressed. We go down and have breakfast and then it is playtime. She plays very nice in the living room and I try to get some housework done. We watch Barney, Sesame Street and the Teletubbies! Sometimes we go out to the store or have lunch with Aunt Lisa or Aunt Fran. After lunch, Elizabeth has a nice nap until about 2:30/3:00. Once she gets up, we go down to the living room and wait for Daddy to come home.Beginning Monday, my sister-in-law Ruthanne will be watching Elizabeth during the day. Although I feel sad going back to work, I am happy that she will be with family during the day!On the medical front, Elizabeth has had a lot of blood work done as well as tests on her stools. Thank God everything was normal - except her lead level as at 13 - only slightly elevated and the doctor wasn't too concerned. We also took her to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for developmental testing. She tested great in everything and they put her right at her age level in all the tests except walking. She tested at 9-10 months. Well she is walking now ... everywhere. She looks so cute as she balances herself!Oh well, here are some new pictures for you to enjoy!